Week commencing 4th March 2013

New plan in action this week to swim 3 mornings. I will miss Monday morning as it is Aquafit and don’t want to swim twice in one day. I will also miss the morning when I am not at work as I usually go during the day when off work. Let’s see if it makes any difference.

Monday went to the gym earlier and completed everything in the gym and then went on to swim over 100 lengths. Aquafit was funny tonight Jackie had us standing on the waddle and everyone was struggling, falling all over and losing their balance. There were waddles flying out of the water everywhere. The group of ladies were fairly new and was struggling to balance on the waddle. Jackie even had us floating around in the water trying to bend our knees keeping our toes out of the water. I did it but only with my ears under the water and then I could not hear anything. I ended up spinning around in circles.

My great plans all went out of the window when I got home from Aquafit. I developed a headache and felt as I was starting with cold. By midnight was all blocked up; headache; earache and fever. Tuesday got up and went to work but came home early and was off sick Wednesday. I was not physically able to go to the gym but I was eager to get back and was frustrated not being able to do much.

I had plans to swim Tuesday am before work but felt so rough I decided it wasn’t a good idea. I weighed myself Tuesday morning and I had lost 3lb at last. Thursday I had lost weight again I was very happy today having hit the 4 stone marker. How can the scales suddenly drop so much and so quick after all this time.

Feeling rough and no energy I was off work as I needed to rest to make a fast recovery from this nasty cold so had a few early nights and became attached to a game on the computer. Jackie told me “Don’t even think of coming back to the gym until you are well or I will send you home to bed”. I knew I wasn’t fit to attempt the gym even though I was frustrated at knowing my efforts for the last few weeks had now finally paid off and here I was now unfit to go. Will I end up putting some weight back on sat doing nothing?

Sunday I went to get weighed and although I had put a 2 pound back on since Thursday the scales at the gym showed a 4kg loss. Most of the measurements were also down. I was frustrated at my BMI being 30.1 as once under 30 I will be in the overweight range not the obese range.

I plan to try the gym Monday but as I was out of breath just walking from the car park to the gym to get weighed maybe I will struggle. Jackie advised me not to do my programme but a basic programme initially.

Week commencing 25th February 2013

Monday I was off during the day so went to the gym to do my cardiovascular program. I then returned early so I could swim the Mile before Aquafit. I managed it in 65 minutes and then participated in Aquafit. I felt heavy when I got out of the pool with Jelly legs again.

It was late on Tuesday before I got to the gym and completed everything in one go including 80 lengths. It was harder doing it all together. I wonder if I went swimming in a morning before work then do the gym at night. A boost in the morning to get my metabolism going, might just get my weight moving. It is worth a try. So Wednesday morning I was there at 6.45am for a 45 minute swim. I arrived saying morning and Jackie did a double take when she saw me – What you doing here – I was thinking the same but anything was worth a go. I managed 120 lengths before showering and getting ready for work. Wednesday evening returned to do my cardiovascular program.

I did it again on Thursday swimming first thing then gym at night. Friday I just went swimming in the morning.

Saturday the girls were dancing for 4hours so it gave me some free time. I completed everything including swimming a mile in the pool. Having been 6 days this week I had Sunday off.

Still no movement on the scales. I spoke to Jackie about being stuck and it was decided I get weighed next week. To see if I have lost inches. I am praying all the extra effort put in over the last 3 weeks will start to show some results.

The faulty treadmill is now repaired and working but I have not had the courage to go on that one yet. I don’t trust it. I’ll stick to the middle one. The time will come when it is the only one free until then I’ll give it a miss.

Week commencing 18th February 2013


Chloe’s Birthday and school holidays this week, so completely out of routine but as I have not lost any weight since I was last weighed it might do me good for a change in routine.  I am only working for 2 days this week so I am hoping to get to the gym a bit more.




Monday I went to the Gym during the day.  I managed everything much better during the day and have much more energy.  I started the Rower but my thumb was too painful as I kept banging it so I gave up after 1000m. I had a funny feeling there would not be any Aquafit tonight so mentioned to Mark if it gets cancelled to give me a ring as I would have been going back to the gym just for Aquafit and as it was Chloe’s birthday we had family visiting.  Mark rang me to say Jackie’s car would not start.  Weird how did I know that Aquafit was going to be cancelled.




Tuesday went to the gym during the day and completed everything including the swimming. Wednesday was unable to go to the gym as I was at work and we were going out for our monthly meal, as it was Chloe’s birthday she chose to go to Taybarns.  We had a fab meal and enjoyed a few treats.  Back to 1200 calories Thursday.




I was working Thursday and Friday but only half days so went straight to the gym and completed the cardiovascular programme including the rower before going home. It is easier to go straight from work especially as I have the car for work during the school holidays.  I returned to the gym Thursday evening whilst the girls were dancing to swim.  I was on a roll and managed 150 lengths.  I worked out that 110 lengths of the pool was 1km.  When Mark asked me how many I had done he said that was a near a mile.  I might have the mile as my next challenge.  I worked out the mile is 1610metres which is a total of 179 lengths of the pool.  That’s my next target, I will do it within the week!




Friday teatime I returned with Kaitlyn for a swim.  I was amazed how good she was and even managed to keep up with me swimming lengths.  I did 120 she did 100.




Saturday I did my entire gym programme and Sunday I swam the mile sooner than anticipated and I found it easier than I thought I would too.  The pool was busy with families and as I had got to 180 lengths they all got out, so I decided to stay in the pool to allow them time to clear the changing room.  I ended up doing 222 lengths – 2km in 1hour 15mins.  Wow I have got jelly legs, not had these for a while.




I had now got use to coming to the gym twice a day completing the gym during the day then swimming later. I wonder if this method would work next week when back at work.  I am getting frustrated as I have not lost any weight for 3 weeks.  I was controlling my calorie intake to 1200 daily with 2 days going up to 1800calories.  I had only had a couple of extras with a meal out and some cake on Chloe’s Birthday but still no movement with my weight despite coming to the gym 6 days this week and doing all the cardiovascular including the rower as well as the swimming.




It was nice to have a few free evenings at home too this week.


Week commencing 11th February 2013

I went to the gym 6 times this week, I only had Sunday off.  Jackie told me today they had extended my membership for another 12 months this was great news and just the boost I needed for motivation.  I asked Jackie for a new program during Aquafit. A note was put in the diary for Mark to look at one for me.  When I went on Tuesday it was there waiting for me. Mark was on the ball this week.  Time for a change – My program included swimming 30 lengths or 3500m on the rower.  I did not have my swimming costume with me today so I did the rower.  The treadmill was on program 2 – I wonder what this one does.  It can’t be as much of a shock as the last one when I was not expecting it to suddenly speed up.  Mark told me to do level 3.  The running is for a shorter period of 15 seconds and the recovery walk in between was a shorter 45 seconds.  I managed this program easy.  I will try level 4 tomorrow.  The bike programme was harder though.


Wednesday I managed level 4 on the treadmill easily, moved onto the bike and finally finished off with the 30 lengths in the pool.  I completed 30 lengths in 10 mins so decided to do 40.  Mark asked me how easy I found the swimming. When I said I can do 30 lengths in 10 mins he said double it and look at doing 50 or 60 lengths instead. I enjoy the swim but find I do not have enough time whilst the girls are dancing or I end up being the last one in the gym at 10pm. I am sometimes limited to time. Thursday they dance for longer so managed to complete the entire cardiovascular programme as well as the resistance programme and 60 lengths swimming.  It only took me three attempts to complete everything.  This programme is much easier.  I best not let Mark hear me say that!


Chloe’s birthday next Monday so I have got a Coca Cola cake to make ready for her party on Sunday.  Saturday teatime went to the gym competed the cardiovascular and the swimming then went home to bake and decorate the cake.  Whilst making a carrot cake managed to grate my thumb and ended up with a large dressing and rubber gloves on as I could not stop it bleeding and I had to mould the icing for Chloe’s cake. Sunday I enjoyed a piece of cake at Chloe’s party.

Week commencing 4th February 2013

Monday I went to the gym before Aquafit.  Whilst on the treadmill I struggled to keep up with the speed.  I was sure the treadmill was not working properly.  The slow walk was too fast for me to keep up to and when the speed peaked at 12.8 I had to slow it to 10 just to be able to run with it.  I now hated this treadmill and was frightened I would fall off again.  I told Mark I felt the treadmill was not right and he said he would look at it.  Into the pool to participate in Aquafit. I managed to grab my other ankle tonight.  Progress!!! On Wednesday it was nice to see an out of order sign on the dreaded treadmill.  At least I now knew it wasn’t me who was suddenly unable to run at 12.8. I had a busy week with a lot of dancing commitments ready for the girl’s first big competition on Saturday.  So knew I would struggle to find time for the gym.  Girls had a spray tan done Friday ready for the competition.  We had to be up 5.30am Saturday to get showered and then on to Warrington to be ready to dance at 9am so it was going to be a long day. We arrived back home at 10pm.  We were shattered. Sunday It took me till 5pm to wake up and feel anywhere near normal.  It was snowing so we had a day at home recovering from Saturday’s Stress. I managed to get to the gym a total of 4 times this week, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.  John leaves this weekend so saw him on Friday as I was not sure if I would get to the gym over the weekend.  It was my day off Friday so went to the gym during the day.  I have cracked this programme now and was finding it ok managing to complete everything.  This was the hardest programme and it took me nearly 3 weeks to complete everything in one go.  Mark certainly tested me on that one.  I have filled the page so time for a new program.  How hard will the next one be!! With John leaving there have been some changes recently in the staff.  They are all fab and give support for anything that is asked.  Dani – is working more shifts and seems much happier with her cheerful smile.  Mark – is lot more chatty recently but I think this is because he is asking me how I am feeling about my programme more now he is has been doing them. Trisha – is new and is still learning the ropes.  She is keen and eager and always has a cloth or mop in her hand cleaning.

Week commencing 28th January 2013

Went in the gym Monday for 1 hour before going to Aquafit,  Everything seemed harder tonight,  I did so well with everything Sunday my body was retaliating and not performing as good.  During Aquafit Jackie asked me to skip over the waddle.  I still cannot get the waddle far enough under my legs and had a fight with the waddle which kept trying to escape out of the water.  However I did impress myself by being able to grab my right ankle.  My left one was still out of reach unless I doubled my self over backwards!

Tuesday I managed all of the 15 minutes on the treadmill with out holding on at level 2, I even managed to speed up and slow down without holding on.  Had the safety clip on throughout just in case my legs became a little unsteady running.  X-Trainer seemed harder again and I decided to go on the bike instead of the rower.  After an hour in the gym I left and went to do my weekly shop.  I arrived back home 10.45pm full of beans and put all the shopping away.  I tidied up and got all the dancing gear out for tomorrow night including wigs, socks, tiaras etc.. They are having their photos taken for the Huddersfield examiner.  It is the girls time now to be in the paper. I then caught up with my Gym blog for the last week.  2.45am best go to bed, I got to get up at 6 so I can shower and get ready for work. Night Night.  Wednesday & Thursday I was too busy getting the girls ready with their wigs and helping at dancing so had 2 days rest from the gym.  I will have to go Friday, Saturday and Sunday now to manage 5 days this week.

Friday it was my day off work so I went to the Gym in the morning.  I had much more energy and I was ready to crack this programme today – All of it including the resistance. Commenced on the X-Trainer, Aquafit was taking place in the pool so I was distracted watching everyone participating rather that thinking about how hard the resistance was and the time I had left to do, I achieved my best distance.  Moved onto the Treadmill and tried level 3.  I managed to do all the fast speed spikes and did not hold on. I even managed to speed up and slow down with out the need to grab the rail.  I am amazed at myself running on this treadmill and not holding on.  I had the safety cord on though as I knew my legs were going to be a bit jelly like and wobbly towards the end.  I was tired but with only one spike left to go I knew I would manage the 15 minutes.

Moved on to the resistance and managed them all.  The only problem I had was my trainers kept slipping off my feet.  Time for some new ones I think.  The Velcro no longer works on these and they don’t fasten.  Finally for the Rower – This again was much easier and I did it much faster than last time.  This programme has been the hardest to do and it has took me 2 weeks to complete everything in one go but I am on a roll now. Saturday Morning I was aching from Friday but still went to the gym whilst the Girls were dancing.  Time to be weighed and measured.  I was at my lowest weight at home, I have lost all my Christmas weight and a bit more, but the Gym scales did not reflect this and only showed a 2.5kg loss. All my measurements except my thighs were down. Started on the X-Trainer and moved onto the treadmill.  As I am still not confident when running so I put the safety cord on. The treadmill started and speeded up on the first spike ok but then suddenly speeded up again, throwing me back wards towards the end of the treadmill which pulled the safety cord. I jumped up onto the sides and regained my balance.  The safety cord caused the belt to stop. I was stunned at what had happened and amazed I had managed to stay upright.  The machine was now showing an Error code and was not working.  I called Jackie who reset the treadmill and tried it herself but it just stopped whilst she was on it.  She asked me to try the same programme again but I wasn’t sure. However I did know if I did not get on it now I would never get back on it.  It worked ok this time but I struggled and had to keep slowing it down in between the spikes.  I was worried it was going to suddenly set off faster again.  I had the safety cord on so I knew it would stop if it threw me backwards.  After this little shock I had had enough and went home. In between ferrying the kids backwards and forward to friends and cousins houses I nipped to buy myself some new running trainers. Saturday night I could not sleep at all. I had a nightmare that someone had adjusted the treadmill so it kept going faster and faster. All I could think about was the Treadmill and had it not been for the safety cord it could have been much worse and my fear of flying off the end would have been a reality.  I can’t believe I did not get hurt and I managed to stay upright.  I will always use the safety cord from now on!!!! The kids slept out Saturday night it was very quiet without them.  I got up Sunday morning and after breakfast went to the gym early.  I needed to do that treadmill again, it had haunted me all night.  Wearing my new trainers and after clipping on the safety cord off I went.  It was much easier in proper running trainers.  I managed the 15 minutes without holding on and also did not need to slow any of the speeds down.  Feel much better for doing it again.  I carried on completing everything and even managed to get a better time on the rower again.  That’s 5 times again this week.  Time for the scales to show better results with all this effort.  My diet is controlled at 1200 calories per day and I am resisting any snacking, so I thought I would have had better results.




Week 52 w/c 21st January 2013

I managed to get to the Gym 5 times this week.  The snow stopped play on Monday.  The snow was easing a little by Tuesday and all the main roads were clear so thought I would see if I could get to the Gym.  I rang and spoke to John who told me the drive was clear.  I managed to get into the car park ok but the car park was a free for all and cars were dumped all over.  I managed to position myself facing downwards so I could just slide forward and would be able to drive on the flat.  I parked so no one would park in front of me, so I wouldn’t get stuck, and went in the gym.  Managed more of the programme but nowhere near completing it all in one go.   I was better prepared for the treadmill and kept calm knowing when it was going to speed up but still could not run as fast as it was going.  By the 4th and 5th spike in the speed I was struggling, as I had not recovered from one spike when the next one came.  I stopped it again with 5 minutes to go realising at this time there was only one spike left but there was no way I could do another speed increase. Went to go home and some idiot had literally dumped there car in the middle of nowhere in front of me.  I tried reversing the car but I was going nowhere.  Unsure who to ask I went back into John.  Fortunately ‘the man who can’ was there and he called for back up.  3 men with shovels and manpower pushing me I slowly moved backwards and they freed me to go home. Wednesday I parked on the main road and walked. I was not risking the car park again.  I spoke to Mark asking him what difference level 3 would make on the treadmill as level 4 was way too fast, I don’t do running and my legs certainly did not go that fast.  He suggested trying level 3.  That was much better, was still hard but at least I did manage to run at the same speed as the treadmill and the fast spikes were only for 30 seconds, which is more manageable.  Still hard though and frightened I am going to whiz off the end feet first, as I panic, and keep a tight grip of the rail.  I did manage the 15 minutes but it took a while for me to catch my breath afterwards. The X-Trainer is also hard at level 7.  When I first saw the programme I thought the Rower would be the hardest for 3500m but it turns out that is the easiest thing in my programme. The resistance exercises were mainly new and I had to ask John to explain them.  I was struggling to coordinate some of them so Mark demonstrated them for me on Wednesday to check I was doing them right. Thursday I was aching from the previous 2 days and struggled with the X-Trainer.  Every time I let go with my hand to get a drink I nearly stopped, with the resistance being so high. I decided aching and being tired I had no chance of doing level 3 so I tried level 2 on the treadmill this was better.  Friday I am having a day off to recover this week. Went Saturday and Sunday evening and managed the entire cardiovascular programme, not cracked the resistance programme yet though.  Sunday it seemed easier and I even managed to beat the distances on the X-Trainer and knocked nearly a minute off my best time on the rower.  How can you suddenly do it 50 seconds faster?  Managed to complete 15 minutes on the treadmill at level 3 too.  I managed to find confidence to let go and found it easier to run when I wasn’t holding on.  I put the safety cord on as I did not want go whizzing off the end.  Had to hold on during the speed up and slow down bit and for the last few peaks towards the end as my legs were wobbly and I did not want to fall. Sunday was exactly 1 year since my first day in the gym. I can’t believe where time has gone. At that point I had never been in a gym and was struggling to even use the X-Trainer & Treadmill. As well as the small weights I used.  I thought my programme was hard then but it is not a patch on this new on I have got now.  Mark has certainly upped the level and intensity.

12 months ago:-

I thought a X-Trainer was something to do with dog breeding;

Rowing took place in a boat on water;

A bench was something in a park;

Weightlifting was for men in the Olympics;

Clean and press was what I did with my laundry;

Resistance was not doing something;

Exercise was a task for my students to complete;

Cycling was travelling along a road;

Plank was a piece of wood;

Trainer was my job title;

Doms was a home visit;

A bridge went over something;

Rotation was night shifts and day shifts;

Crunch was a sound of eating a biscuit;

Flys were insects;

I was never seen in shorts;

I did not know you could ache and hurt so much after exercise;

I had never experienced Jelly legs;

I did not understand how someone actually enjoyed the gym;

Week 51 w/c 14th January 2013

Busy Busy Busy this week and a lot has happened, from dropping my weight back to my pre Christmas weight, a makeover and a new gym programme, I have not had time to stop this week.  I feel great though with my success. Makeover Thursday I am so nervous!!!  Met Hilarie at Dress 4 Less Tuesday afternoon to choose the outfits ready for Thursday.  I had a look with my sister at the weekend and had already chosen a few outfits, but Hilarie did not like any of my choices.  Hilarie kept bringing me different ones to try and eventually decided on 2 outfits.  One black and white top and one Purple top both with black trousers.  The next thing I knew Hilarie is bringing me bags and scarf’s etc. to accessories them.  With outfits chosen Hilarie took me for a chat for the report to go in the Huddersfield Examiner next week. Tuesday morning I had to apply an allergy patch test to ensure I didn’t react to the hair colouring that was planned.  I put this on my arm and as it was visible everyone kept asking me what it was.  Tuesday night in the shower the test kept coming loose so I had to put some tape on it to hold it in position till Thursday.

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday went to the gym each evening and continued with my programme.  I was not going to the gym as usual on Thursday so I decided to have a swim too.  I have been doing the resistance programme at home before going to the gym. On Monday I was doing this in my front room and I somehow loss my balance and fell off the gym ball, burning my elbow on the carpet.  My husband and daughters had great pleasure laughing at me.  It is a small graze but it don’t half hurt.  It is the area of my elbow that touch’s my desk at work as I am typing.   How can something so small hurt so much!!! Thursday – Oh god – Its here – Makeover day – I don’t like being pampered and I am excited at the result but anxious at the process.  I had to be at the hairdressers for 10am.  It was a whirlwind day and everything happened so fast.  The photographer arrived at 10am to do the before pictures.  Hilarie disappeared saying I will be back in a couple of hours and then it was all go go go.  My glasses were removed from me and I could not see.  Louise the hairdresser told me this was a good thing.  The colours were applied to my hair and the make up lady arrived – Kirsty.   Once the colour was on it was a calm environment allowing time for the colour to take.  I needed the loo with all the tea they were giving me, Beth showed me where to go but without my glasses I could not see and nearly ended up in the gents.   Beth guided me safely back to the salon.

The foils were removed and I was asked how do I like my head massage hard or soft.  Ohhh don’t know not had one of these before.  Louise said she would do it medium.  It was very relaxing and a new experience.  My hair was cut and then blow dried.  Whilst my hair was being dried my dinner was handed to me and I was told to eat it now – dinner on the go!!!  I was eating my dinner whilst my hair was being blow dried on one side and on the other side of me Beth was cleaning my ears of the red dye.

Hilarie arrived saying there was a problem with the photographer as he needed to be somewhere else and needed to meet us earlier.  It was all happening and suddenly became very rushed.

I got half way through my sandwich and it was taken from me as Louise said you don’t want hair on your dinner, that was ok but I didn’t see it again.   Rollers were applied and I was transferred into another seat for my makeup. Hilarie was counting down the time whilst Kirsty was applying the makeup saying she works well under pressure, as she does some film sets that need speed. Louise was also trying to finish my hair at the same time. Photo’s were taken at different times during the morning.  I felt like a film star with so much going on!!!

There was not enough time to finish the make up fully and we had to get to Dress 4 Less to get the outfits.  Louise quickly took some photos and asked if I liked the hair.  I had to ask for my glasses, as I could not see.  I got a very brief glance at the mirror and I was whisked into a car.  Off to the first stop.  Hilarie dropped me outside the door whilst I ran in to get changed.  They were expecting me and said how good I looked and if I liked it.  I could not answer as I had only had a glimpse and not seen the make up at all.

1st outfit on and the photographer was waiting.  A few photo’s were taken with my hair and make up being touched up in between shots.  Quick change into 2nd outfit and off we go again.  Changed back into the first outfit as this was the one I was keeping and needed to wear it for the next photos at the Gym.

At Cedar Court Hilarie and me had a drink, as we were a little early and needed to wait for the photographer as well as John and Jackie. A quick check of my phone showed several text messages asking how it was going and if photos were available yet.  They must all be sat watching Facebook waiting for updates.


Hilarie was again brushing my hair before the photo’s.  Jackie asked me how it had gone and what I thought of my hair, at this point I managed a longer look in the mirror.  The whole day was surreal and I was still trying to keep up in my head.  It was a whirlwind day and I felt like I was on a rollercoaster and I had no control on how fast I was going. Being whisked from one place to another. Hilarie asked if I was staying at the Gym.  Silly question I am not going in the gym having just had a makeover, It will spoil my hair & Makeup!!!! I arrived home and had a good look at myself.  My hair was great but not as red as I thought, it was a nice colour though.  The red strips enhanced the base colour nicely.  I was a little surprised at the make up as I have a natural glow in my skin and plenty of colour but the foundation washed me out and I looked very pale.  My daughter applied some blusher and I put on some brighter lipstick rather than the nude colour Kirsty had put on.  I looked much better now.  We decided to go out for our monthly meal tonight a week early whilst I was looking smart.  I updated my Facebook page to show all my eagerly waiting family and friends. Rubies hairdressing had beaten me to it and already posted pictures.Weeehay Friday the scales have dropped nicely I am now back under 15 stones and at my pre Christmas weight.  Having put lb. on I thought it would take a while to move but I am so happy getting back down so quick.  I have been really good on the food front with no snacking and only having maximum of 1200 calories per day.  The sugar cravings have stopped so this has helped too. Mark said he would have a look at a new programme for me.  Mark has not done me a programme before so it will be good to try a different one.  Friday I decided to go to the gym early as I did not want to get stuck in the snow!  I saw the new programme and saw the distance on the rower – I knew that would be hard but the rest looked ok.  I started on the X-Trainer setting the programme and level as stated.  It started ok but then as it reached the higher resistance I struggled to get the paddles to move.  I was putting my full weight on each side to move it very slowly.  I had to pull more with my arms to help my legs.  Every time I let go with my hand to get a drink my legs slowed down again.  15 minutes seems forever when it is so hard but was pleased I did manage to do the full 15 minutes.


Onto the treadmill, not been on here for a while so here we go.  And go we did – Time for a program. I set the program at level 4 for 15 minutes as Mark had stated.  I felt it was a little slow so speeded it up to my usual rate of 6.  I then noticed it said 6.1 but thought I had done this increase – I now know how wrong I was!!  On the display it showed some peaks I was expecting the incline to activate and increase, but I was wrong again.  A noise was made and suddenly the speed got faster and faster. I had a brief moment of panic thinking how fast is it going, I can’t keep up, to realise it had peaked at 12.8.  I have never run on here before and I don’t do running, so it was a big shock and I started to laugh at myself in disbelief I was actually running on this thing.  If only everyone had seen my face, it was a picture.  The speed returned to 6.1 after what seemed like minutes but was probably only 30 to 40 seconds and it gave me chance to recover and think about what had just happened!  Before I knew it, the noise appeared again and the speed was again increased.  I had just worked out what the peaks mean and there was loads of them moving my way very fast.  I had 1 minute fast and 1.5 minutes slow.  I did not have enough time to recover when it speeded up again and I found myself dreading each increase and fighting to decrease the speed in a panic every time it set off.  I managed 10 minutes and had to get off.  My legs were like jelly and I was out of breath.  I was done in and a little shocked as I did not know it would set off running like that.  I will be more prepared next time!!After a little while to recover I thought I would try the rower but after 7 minutes of watching a car that was stuck trying to get out of the drive I decided it was time to go home as I knew I would get stuck. Our car is automatic and rubbish in the snow.  I did get stuck on the drive but with a lot of revving and perseverance managed to slowly creep forward to the main road. over the weekend the snow was too bad to get to the gym and my legs were sore following my short but intensive visit on Friday, it must be the hard resistance on the X-Trainer.  Its going to take a while to complete all of this program in one go.  Not sure I’ll ever manage the 15 minutes on the treadmill.

Week 50 w/c 7th January 2013

I planned to go to the gym followed by Aquafit but my tin of paint had other plans.  I was decorating the stairs, which I had started back in August last year and I was determined to get it finished.  I managed to knock over the almost full tin of emulsion down the stairs catching the tin upside down between my knees.  It was a very pretty site.  There was paint everywhere and it ran all down my legs followed by down each step right to the bottom!!!  I spent the next 2 hours cleaning up the paint and shampooing the stair carpet.  On a positive note my stair carpet looks like new.

Got to the gym 4 times this week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday.  I was now managing the programme again and feel it is time for a new programme.  John said he would sort it this week.   Got weighed and measured Wednesday.  I knew I had put on a little and my measurements had gone up too.  2 weeks of doing little and eating loads had had a big effect.  Oh well it is only Christmas once every 12 months and I enjoyed the extra treats but here we go back on track again now.  I am calorie counting everything again and checking my portions.  I am finding myself hungry all the time again with sugar cravings.  I wonder how long they will last?

Hilarie Stelfox reporter from the Huddersfield Examiner, has been in touch this week wanting to arrange a makeover for me at the end the 12 months in the gym followed by some photos for the Huddersfield Examiner.  This is scary, how different will I look!!  I never wear makeup.

Make over sorted for next Thursday.  Hair appointment booked but I have to attend for a consultation first so the best hairstyle can be planned.  Went to see Louise at Rubies Friday night took my daughter with me for some moral support.  Louise suggested a few very different hairstyles, which included vibrant red colours.  On the way home my daughter’s comment was “Wow I will have a trendy mum at last.”  I don’t know what she means! She was supposed to be on my side.  I feel anxious but at the same time excited at the thought of a makeover.  I felt like this when I was told I had won the gym membership last January.  I am excited but scared of the reality.

I asked Hilarie if Jackie, John and Mark could be included in the photos as without them I would not be in the position I am now.  Their support and pushing over the last 11 months, as well as the different challenges they have set me, has motivated me to carry on even when I ached and hurt the following day or even several days afterwards.  Thanks Guys for all your support.  Hilarie agreed it could be arranged to complete the photos at the gym next Thursday following my makeover.


Week 48 & 49 w/c 24th & 31st December 2012

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

Major activities going on.  Santa came to pay us all a visit and there were festive treats galore.  The gym was open but not as late as usual.  I worked over Christmas except the bank holidays and I did not get to the gym in time after work.  I am going to enjoy the rest and have a few treats before refocusing after Christmas. Thursday after the New Year I had a couple of days annual leave as I had worked every other day except the bank holidays and therefore decided to have a break.  Thursday I returned to the gym having not been for just over 2 weeks.  I found it really hard work and did not even manage to complete the programme.  Friday was just as hard but I was determined to complete everything.  I cannot believe how hard it is after 2 weeks off!


I had a busy weekend planned, which included a shopping trip to Meadowhall on Saturday.  That will be good exercise walking around.  I had planned to get weighed Saturday after shopping as my scales at home show I have put 9lb on over Christmas, after shopping I was so tired I went to bed at 7.30pm!!!